Financial Releases
Q3 Earnings Slidespdf 2,992KB
Q3 Presentation Scriptspdf 25KB
Dividend Policy Change, Amendment of Dividend Forecast, and amendment of Full Year Earnings Outlookpdf 8KB
Q3 TSE Filingspdf 152KB
Q2 Earnings Slidespdf 4,106KB
Q2 Presentation Scriptspdf 19KB
Q2 TSE Filingspdf 188KB
Earnings Outlook Amendmentpdf 21KB
Q1 Earnings Slidespdf 1,523KB
Q1 Presentation Scriptspdf 25KB
Q1 TSE Filingspdf 115KB
Controlling Shareholder Informationpdf 8KB
Changes of Representative Directors and other Directorspdf 11KB
Notice of Dividendspdf 16KB
Annual Earnings Slidespdf 1,538KB
Earnings Outlook Amendmentpdf 35KB