Basic policy on business continuity planning

We at ValueCommerce Co., Ltd. and our subsidiaries have set forth a basic policy on business continuity planning, and we shall implement this throughout our group so that we can continuously put into practice “efficiently providing customers with the services they need.”

  1. We shall ready ourselves for occurrences of natural disasters such as large-scale earthquakes, phenomena that can substantially hinder the continuity of business, and so on, and we shall carry out preparations in order to reduce and prevent damage from such.
  2. After disasters have occurred, we shall give top priority to ascertaining the safety, and ensuring the security, of our employees and their family members.
  3. We shall promptly carry out emergency-response measures, take action for the achievement of a recovery as quickly as possible, and make efforts for the protection of information assets and so on that are necessary for business continuation.
  4. Even during crisis situations, we shall make sure to act with integrity, and we shall maintain the trust of our customers, the employment of our employees, and the vitality of local communities.
  5. Based on a recognition that “disasters will inevitably occur,” we shall deepen our understanding regarding the basic policy on business continuity planning, other plans that are based on this, and so on, and we shall endeavor to continuously make improvements in this regard.
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