Press Release
ValueCommerce Affiliate, “Most Valuable Partners 2022”Announcement! ─Commending the Most Outstanding Advertisers, Affiliate Site Operators and Advertising Agencies in 2022─
ValueCommerce, Social Commerce Service “COLEMOA” Beta Version Now Available! ─ ”More of, I love this” The Media Where Everyone’s Favorites Are Gathered, Is Now Here ─
ValueCommerce Affiliate, “Media Awards Second Half of 2022” Announcement of Results ─This is What Makes an Exceptional Website!─
ValueCommerce Affiliate, “Media Awards First Half of 2023” We Will Begin Accepting Applications From March 1! ─The First Step to Becoming a Top Creator Starts Here─
ValueCommerce Forms Affiliate Business Partnership with Yieldkit GmbH in Germany
─ Solutions of both companies reduce resources for media operators and allow cooperation with advertisers in Japan ─ -
ValueCommerce Forms Capital and Business Alliance with BuzzFeed Japan Corporation
ValueCommerce Introduces PMD Act Filter in Partnership with Momentum, Inc.
ValueCommerce Obtains Two Certifications to Evaluate Safe and Secure Advertisement Delivery
─KTAA (certification of advertising agency compliant with the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, and Specified Commercial Transactions Act) and YMAA (certification of advertising agency compliant with the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act and Medical Care Act) ─ -
ValueCommerce Affiliate Launches New Bounceless Measurement Function Measurement System (Patent Pending)
ValueCommerce Launches ValueCommerce Affiliate Plugin for Website Operators
– Installations top 500 in first week –