Press Release

Nissen joins ValueCommerce’s Affiliate Marketing Network

ValueCommerce Co., Ltd.

ValueCommerce Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President and CEO: Jin Kagawa; hereinafter, “ValueCommerce”) announces that Nissen, the online mall operated by Nissen Holdings Co,.Ltd (Head Office: Minami-ku, Kyoto; President and Representative Director: Nobuyuki Ichiba), joined ValueCommerce’s Affiliate Marketing Network.

“Nissen” is an online mall that provides large variety of apparel, interior goods, furniture, personal cares, and also original products that Nissen developed based on customer’s need.
Publishers in ValueCommerce’s affiliate network can now advertise the products of Nissen.

Nissen currently offers special affiliate marketing campaign for ValueCommerce’s publishers as a starting campaign.

ValueCommerce continues to expand affiliate network and stays the clients’ key business partner.

・All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
・This report was originally prepared by the company in Japanese. The English translation is for your reference only. To the extent, there is any discrepancy between this English translation and the original Japanese report, the Japanese report will prevail.

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